Registration Information

Conference registration includes admission to all conference sessions, proceedings, selected meals, and refreshment breaks through the event. Additionally, a registration includes one ticket to the DIMVA social event.

Registration Fees

Registration fees for DIMVA 2014 are as follows. To be eligible for the reduced early-registration fee you should register by 16 June, 2014.

Type Early registration
(June 16)
Late registration
(after June 16)
On-site registration
(after July 09; online only)
Conference (member)£350£450£500
Conference (non-member)£400£500£550
Extra Gala Dinner Ticket£65£65£65

Reduced Fee Eligibility

You are eligible for a reduced registration fee in the following cases:

  • You are a member of GI, IEEE, IEEE Computer Society (show proof on site at the conference)


Please note: See our Venue & Accomodation details for information on accommodation!

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Conference of SIG SIDAR of the German Informatics Society (GI).
Technically co-sponsored by the IEEE Computer Society Technical Committee on Security & Privacy (TCSP).
Local organization by - Information Security Group, Royal Holloway University of London.
All pages © 2014, DIMVA 2014 Organization Committee.